Residential Tribal Member (RTM) Determination
Resident Tribal Member (RTM) means a Tribal Member who is at least 14 years old and whose principal place of residence is located within the Agreement Area, as defined by the Tax Agreement between the State of Michigan and the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians. RTM status is held as a master list at the State of Michigan and is updated monthly on RTM status activation or deactivation updates.
To view your primary address eligibility or before moving and changing primary residential address, please view the Address Locator to determine if the address is in the Agreement Area.
Go to Overview of Tax Agreement Area and Address Locator
Tribal Citizens are asked to keep their information current with Pokagon Band by promptly reaching out to the Pokagon Band Enrollment Department with all personal information updates including address changes. Following an RTM status activation or deactivation, a letter will be sent out to the Tribal Citizen’s mailing address on file. Also, important information will be mailed for RTMs such as the annual January letter including instructions on filing tax return and benefit updates.
There are special circumstances where an RTM activation or deactivation may not trigger from an address change.
If you inform the Enrollment Department of an address change that pertains to one of the following situations, please communicate this to the Finance Department and the situation will be further evaluated for correct RTM status. StateTax@PokagonBand-nsn.govÂ
- A short-term, non-permanent move from Agreement Area with the initial intent to return to same primary address in Agreement Area. This temporary move would last no more than 6 months.
- Examples
- Temporary staying with someone.
- Temporary homelessness
- Temporary hospitalization, rehabilitation
- Temporary incarceration
- Examples
- More than one residence, living between multiple places during year.
- Snowbirds, multiple homes
- Student housing, college dorm
- Military deployment
- Your mailing address and physical address are different, your mailing address is not a PO box, and one address is in the Agreement Area and the other is not.