Michigan Income Tax Exemption & Sales Tax Credit
Michigan Tax Agreement, section § IV (A)(1), 3rd amendment
Overview and instructions on filing the 2024 Michigan Income Tax Return to receive Michigan Income Tax Exemption benefit and Sales Tax Credit in weblink below.
RTM Information for 2024 Tax Return
Sales Tax Exemption on Vehicle Purchases
For a request form for a Michigan Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificate and explanation of process, please click link below.
RTM Vehicle Request form and overview
Recreation Vehicle explained.
MCL - Section 257.49a - Michigan Legislature
Sales Tax Exemption on Home Utilities
As a Residential Tribal Member, your primary residence as provided to Pokagon Band Enrollment is within the Agreement Area. Your primary residence utilities can qualify for Michigan Sales Tax Exemption including “Electricity, Natural or Artificial Gas, Home Heating Fuels, and Telecommunications and Internet Services.” Please note this does not cover any other taxes or fees, only Michigan Sales Tax.
A list of the utility companies that would cover the Agreement Area along with an RTM list is kept with the State of Michigan. The State of Michigan communicates RTM status changes to the utility companies quarterly for Michigan sales tax exemption. Please note this means there will be delays with sales tax being removed or added to utility bills.
If you are an active RTM member for six or more months and you have Michigan sales tax on your utility bill, please bring to the Pokagon Band Tax Accountant’s attention at StateTax@PokagonBand-nsn.gov. The flagged utility company sales tax exemption will be investigated. This investigation will be on behalf of all RTM members who are customers of the flagged utility company.
Michigan Tax Agreement, section § III (A)(7), no amendment
More updates to follow