Tribal Member Cost Savings – Tax Exemption Benefits

Instant cost savings for all Tribal Members, including Non-RTMs
Fuel, tobacco, and cannabis tax exemption benefits are covered by a combination of the State of Michigan through the 2004 Tax Agreement and covered by Pokagon Band Government expense.

  • Gasoline and diesel savings 

Gasoline and diesel can be purchased at a reduced rate for personal use at designated retail locations within the Agreement Area.

Michigan sales tax and Michigan motor fuel tax will automatically be removed from the price when purchasing fuel by scanning your Pokagon Tribal ID. The most current designated retail locations for the fuel tax exemption are located below.

GND #1, Inc. Edwardsburg Marathon 26404 US-12 Edwardsburg, MI 49112
GSJ Singh Enterprise Corp. Benton Harbor Marathon 1691 M-139 Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Jasmine Empire Inc. Keeler Super Store 84060 CR 687 Hartford, MI 49057
MB C-Stores LLC Bent Tree Market 58878 M-51 Dowagiac, MI 49047
S&G Singh Enterprise Corp. Hartford Citgo 332 W Main St Hartford, MI 49057

On the rare occasion if the system that reads the Tribal ID is down and you were not able to receive the reduced rate for fuel, please reach out to to be reimbursed on the following Per-Capita payment. Please include in the email a copy of your Tribal Member ID and a copy of your fuel receipt, signed with your written Tribal Member number. 

If you lose your enrollment card, please contact the enrollment office to request a new one at (269) 782-1763.  Once you receive your new card, the old card will be deactivated. 

  • Tobacco Products Savings - Tribal Members aged 21 or older can purchase tobacco products at a reduced rate for personal use at Bent Tree Market in Dowagiac. When you scan your Tribal ID card, Tobacco Tax will be automatically removed from the purchase price.
MB C-Stores LLC Bent Tree Market 58878 M-51 Dowagiac, MI 49047
  • Cannabis Products Savings– Tribal Members Age 21 or older can purchase cannabis products at a reduced rate for personal use at Rolling Embers in New Buffalo. When you present your Tribal ID card, sales tax is removed from the purchase price. In addition, a 25% discount will be given off your purchase. Gift cards excluded from discount offer.
Rolling Embers 11261 Wilson Rd, New Buffalo, MI 49117

Additional cost savings benefits for all Tribal Members, including Non-RTMs

  • Purchases for Commercial Treaty Fishing Cost Savings
    Michigan Tax Agreement, section § III (A)(4)(b), No amendments                   

Tangible personal property purchased or acquired by any Tribal Member for use in exercising a commercial treaty fishing right is exempt from both the Michigan sales tax and use tax regardless of where the property is purchased or acquired.

If you plan to purchase items for Commercial Treaty Fishing and wish to be Michigan sales tax exempt, please contact the Pokagon Band Tax Accountant prior to purchase for a Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificate.


  • Income Tax Exemption – Treaty Fishing
    Michigan Tax Agreement, section § IV (A)(3)(b), 3rd amendment                

 All income derived from Treaty Fishing is exempt from the Michigan State income tax, to the extent excluded from federal income. This would be reflected when you file your year-end MI-1040 tax return.

For questions when filing your year end income tax, please contact Michigan Taxes Contact Center at (517) 636-4486.


  • Utilities Tax Savings
    Michigan Tax Agreement, section § III (A)(7)(paragraph 1), No amendments

This benefit can only apply for Non-RTM tribal members who meet both criteria.

    1. The land is owned by the Pokagon Tribe (Pokagon Government) or held in Trust for the federal government on behalf of the tribe
    2. And the land is within Tribal and Trust Lands. Tribal and Trust Lands are areas within Michigan Cass County, Berrien County, and Van Buren County.

If you are a tribal member, Non-RTM, and both criteria apply to you, please contact for further evaluation to see if you qualify for Michigan sales tax exemption on your utilities.


  • Corporate Income Tax Exemption
    Michigan Tax Agreement, section § IV (B), 3rd amendment                       

If you are a Tribal Member and a business owner of a C Corporation that is not publicly traded, there is a Corporate Income Tax Exemption benefit that you may qualify for. 

Please contact the Pokagon Band Tax Accountant for further information to see if your C Corporation qualifies at