Community Development

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Community Development

The mission of the Community Development division is to promote tribal development while expanding the Tribe's ability to exercise its sovereign rights through planning, analysis, recording, and implementation, all while protecting Mother Earth.

If you have questions about the ongoing activities of Community Development, please contact Robert Torzynski AICP, Planning Manager at (269) 782-4896 or via email to: 


Geographic Information Services (GIS)

GIS provides accurate information, assistance, support, and utility location, as well as maintains and creates information to aid in the development of maps to support Departmental activities.

Steven Wahweotten, GIS Specialist/Assistant Planner

Ten County Service Area | Tax Exempt Area | Utility Line Installation Specifications
Utility Locating & Excavation Policy | Utility Line Trace Wire Product Specifications | Child Safety Zone Map

Land Development Pre-Application Review

All building, demolition, grading, and excavation activities taking place on Tribal Lands (with a few limited exceptions) must meet various codes, ordinances, and specifications in order to protect health, safety, and the environment. These requirements vary depending on the scope and the nature of the project. For example, a new flag pole may require a utility locate only, while a new structure may require building permits, utility locate, and environmental review.

To ensure that all projects meet all standards, a Pre-Application Review is required and is coordinated by the Community Development Team. For further information including a Pre-Application Conference Request form, please contact Robert Torzynski, Planning Manager, at:, or by telephone at (269) 782-4896.

Tribal Road Program

Tribal Road Program keeps inventory of all the roads, maintains a long-range transportation plan, and creates an annual transportation improvement plan.


Realty/Properties retains records of all Tribal-Owned Properties, including:

  • Mortgages
  • Rentals
  • Easements
  • Utility Information
  • Addresses
  • Surveys
  • Leasing documents
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