Four Winds Ventures, LLC
Board of Directors 

COMPANY.  The Tribal Council authorized the formation of Four Winds Ventures, LLC (“Company”) under the Pokagon Band Limited Liability Code (“LLC Code”).  Under the LLC Code, the Company is a “Tribal LLC”, which means that the Company was formed under the LLC Code and is wholly owned by the Pokagon Band (the sole member of the Company).  The Tribal Council approved the Articles of Organization and Operating Agreement (“Governing Documents”) for the Company.  Under the Governing Documents, the Company was organized for any lawful purpose, including to pursue, develop, manage, and operate commercial gaming, hospitality, and related businesses.

Under the Governing Documents, the Company is managed by the Board of Directors (“Board”).  The Tribal Council seeks letters of interest and résumés from individuals who are interested in serving on the Board.  Under the Operating Agreement, the Board is comprised of seven (7) Board members (“Directors”), and all Directors must be Pokagon Band Citizens (“Citizens”), except two (2) Directors can be non-Citizens, and the Chief Operating Officer of Four Winds Casino Resort shall be appointed as a Director with the consent of the Pokagon Gaming Authority Board.  The Tribal Council has appointed five (5) Directors to the Board and seeks to make the two (2) remaining initial appointments to the Board.  The Tribal Council has appointed one (1) non-Citizen to the Board.  Therefore, one (1) additional non-Citizen may be appointed to the Board.

COMMITMENT.  The time commitment required to prepare for and attend Board meetings and conduct the business of the Board outside of meetings will vary depending on the needs of the Company.  The Operating Agreement provides for both regular meetings (called by the Board Chairperson) and special meetings (called by any Director).

ELIGIBILITY.  The Operating Agreement states the eligibility requirements for appointment to, and service on, the Board.

Citizen: A Citizen must: (1) be at least twenty-one (21) years of age; (2) possess knowledge, skill, and professional and personal experience which will contribute to the fulfillment of the duties of the Board; (3) not have been convicted within the last ten (10) years of a crime subject to imprisonment for a term of one (1) year or longer, excepting those crimes determined by the Tribal Council to relate to the furtherance of the Pokagon Band’s tribal sovereignty rights; (4) not be a Tribal Council member; and (5) not be a “Gaming Risk”.

Non-Citizen: A non-Citizen must: (1) be at least twenty-one (21) years of age; (2) possess knowledge, skill, and professional and personal experience which will contribute to the fulfillment of the duties of the Board; (3) not have been convicted within the last ten (10) years of a crime subject to imprisonment for a term of one (1) year or longer, excepting those crimes determined by the Tribal Council to relate to the furtherance of the Pokagon Band’s tribal sovereignty rights; (4) possess either a minimum of: (a) ten (10) years' experience in private sector management, business administration, accounting, or law; or (b) five (5) years' experience in private sector management, business administration, accounting, or law, and a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university; and (5) not be a “Gaming Risk”.

Gaming Risk: Under the Operating Agreement, “Gaming Risk” means the Tribal Council, in its sole discretion, has determined that the person poses a risk to a gaming related opportunity or operation, including because: (1) a gaming regulatory or licensing agency in which the Company or its affiliate seeks to conduct, or conducts, any gaming has concluded that the person is unsuitable; (2) the person may cause the Company or its affiliate to lose, or be threatened with the loss of, any gaming license; or (3) the person may jeopardize the Company’s or its affiliate’s application for, receipt of approval for, right to the use of, or entitlement to, any gaming license.

Licensure: The Company was formed to pursue various projects, including gaming related projects.  Depending on the nature of a project and the jurisdiction within which a project is located, Directors may be required to apply for and maintain licenses, which may require comprehensive background investigations to determine the Director’s suitability.  A Director must fully cooperate in connection with any such process and must not be a Gaming Risk.

TERM.  Under the Operating Agreement, Directors serve a three (3) year term of office, but the Tribal Council may choose to stagger terms by appointing some Directors to terms of one (1) year and two (2) years, so that the terms of approximately one-third of the Directors expire annually.  Each individual appointed to the two (2) remaining initial appointments to the Board will be appointed to a three (3) year term of office.

COMPENSATION.  Under the Operating Agreement, the compensation of Directors, including Board officers, shall be fixed by the Tribal Council upon the recommendation by the Board.  In addition, Directors are entitled to reimbursement for actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties in accordance with the expense reimbursement policies and procedures followed by the Tribal Council.

APPOINTMENT.  The Tribal Council makes all appointments to the Board.  All persons who wish to be considered for appointment must be present at the meeting at which the Tribal Council will review the written statements of interest and résumés, but the Tribal Council may, for good cause, waive this requirement.  Any person who believes that good cause exists to not attend such Tribal Council meeting should contact the Executive Secretary to the Tribal Council, who will share the information with the Tribal Council.  Please note that the Tribal Council has not yet established the meeting date at which it will consider the appointments to the Board.

HOW TO APPLY.  Any person who is interested in being considered for appointment to the Board, must provide a current résumé and a written statement of interest with the person’s name, address, and telephone number by one of the following methods:

Mail:                    Samantha Townsend
Tribal Council Administrative Assistant
P.O. Box 180
Dowagiac, Michigan 49047


QUESTIONS.  Questions concerning the Company may be directed to Paul Shagen, PGA General Counsel, at 

DEADLINE.  Interested persons are encouraged to apply by February 28, 2025.  However, persons may apply until all initial Director appointments have been made.