Mno mithëm – Good / Healthy Food

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The following is a collaborative collection of recipes, videos, and links to a variety of healthy Native American Nutrition resources shared with the permission of other Tribal Organizations across the country.

The content was created by Tribes or Tribal Organizations including the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan.

We hope that this collection of nutrition resources will help you utilize seasonal and traditional foods when possible. It is important to us that you receive positive benefits to your health through improved nutrition.

Healthy Native Foods

Please answer these questions to tell us what you know and how confident you feel about nutrition and cooking with healthy, Native foods. The survey will help us see how well the cooking video helps increase confidence in cooking meals with fresh fruits, vegetables, and traditional foods. You will answer a set of questions two times, once based on your confidence BEFORE watching the cooking video and once based on your confidence AFTER watching the cooking video. Please do not type your name anywhere in this survey; your answers will be anonymous. All the survey data will be combined and results analyzed by our evaluators at MPHI. The overall results may be shared with our Tribe, the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan, and the Walmart Foundation (the funders of this program). If you have any questions or concerns about this survey or the Tribal Foods project, please contact Cathy Edgerly at ITC of MI at

As part of the MTFAC and Walmart Foundation we were tasked with creating videos that provide healthy meals for families. The Community Outreach team decided that making a healthier version of some meals that most families eat on a regular basis would be helpful. Here are some of those options for you to view.

Below are recipes and handouts available with videos.

Check out these other recipes from Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan: