Rental Assistance Program
The Rental Assistance program provides opportunities for eligible Pokagon Band citizens (excluding students) to afford a safe and decent rental unit. The Department of Housing & Community Development will provide a monthly rental subsidy up to $300.00 for a maximum of three years.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be an enrolled Pokagon Band citizen 18 years old or older, a non-Pokagon citizen who
has custody of minor Pokagon children in the household or a Pokagon Band citizen who is
an emancipated minor. - Be within the Low-Income Guidelines (Updated 5/23/2024).
- Agrees to comply with the Household Plan of Action, including attending mandatory monthly meeting, financial management and budgeting classes.
- Live within the Ten County Service Area.
- Rental must pass rental unit inspection performed by the Housing & Facilities Department.
- Is not in debt to the Pokagon Band.
To apply for this program, please download and complete the pre-application below and return it to
the Housing & Community Development office.
For more information, please contact the office at (269) 783-0443 or (877) 983-0385.