Conservation Office

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The Conservation Office opened in 2013 with a grant from the Administration for Native Americans. The grant provided for a Conservation Code development initiative and fifty percent of a conservation officer’s yearly salary for two years. The position is now covered by the Police Department’s annual operating budget.

The officers patrol tribal trust lands enforcing the Band’s conservation laws, citizens’ hunting, fishing and gathering rights, and off road vehicle use.

The Conservation Office responds to complaints of trespassing, illegal logging and has removed some unmarked tree stands and trapping lines. The majority of patrol time is focused in Cass and Van Buren Counties, where most hunting, gathering and fishing happens.

Kevin Modlin
Conservation Officer

Jaime Sumners
Conservation Officer

Kyle Slater
Conservation Officer

Non-Member Presence on Band Land

Pokagon citizens and spouses are welcome to bring guests on tribal property to enjoy the lakes, trails and surroundings, but the guests must always be accompanied by the citizen or citizen's spouse while on tribal land. DNR and conservation staff have noticed guests who have visited the property previously returning without accompaniment.

Avoid trespassing tickets or fines from Tribal Police; read the full Council resolution below.

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